Mon 27 Jan
🚨Young,Flirty,Fun an Busty Blonde🎆Happy New Years - 25
(Columbia, Outcalls/Incall exit 2 close to downtown)
$$ WE $$ READY $$ $$ R $$ U $$ ( $$ ALL $$ OF $$ COLUMBIA $$ ) $$ 2 GIRL SPECIAL $$ - 22
W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G!!!;: E A R L Y B I R D S P E C I A L S W E N E S D A Y!!! - 24
{{{£@v!NG SooN}}} °ஐ GET A DOSE OF ME!!!~ (609)464-8260 Brandy is ALL U Need! °ஐ ° - 26
"They Call Me Sun" SHINE " Are You Up Or Nah #1Hot Pick ( 2girl 120hhr Available) - 21
(2notch, 2 girl special, Columbia)
★ ___ ☆ WARM , COMFY And COZY - Unbeatable Relaxation - 646-342-7748 - 26
(Midtown E 30's 646-342-7748)
(Midtown West, MIDTOWN 30's ((INCALL/OUTCALL)))
$$$$$$$ winter time i need your body heat$$$ i am asain girl 47st 5ave area - 26
(Midtown West, 47st)
Valerie 36DD Classy Blonde Lastt day today only till noon,y reviewed #24923 - 38
(Columbia, Columbia -I26-Harbison)
______* W_A_R_N_I_N_G ☠ E_X_T_R_ E_M_E_L_Y ♥ A_D_D_I_ C_T_I_V_E *______ - 22
(Midtown East, ❤Midtown 31 ❤❤ 917-864-1025 ❤ ❤❤)
*¨¨*T_A_L_L H_O_T_T_I_E Ready_FoR_ Fu!N;*¨¨* - 30
(Columbia, Columbia-SPECIALS!Call803.261.8718NoW!)
-W- *E* -T- *T* -T-) ♥ & ♥ (-R- *E* -A- *D* -Y- * ) SPECIALS Just 4 You - 21
(Columbia, TwoNotch rd.)
💋💋💋▬▬▬▬VIP's Bodyrub Girls▬▬▬▬Our Service is #1💋💋💋▬▬▬▬ OSAKA 51💋💋💋▬▬100% Real NEW Photos▬▬▬ - 23 - 23
(Manhattan, Midtown East)
UnDeNIaBlY SeXxy EbOnY !!!! IN ToWN ViStINg FoR A ShOrT WHIle!! - 20
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH RD/columbia)
Unbeatable 30 Min Special For One Day Only Book For your Exotic Getaway - 27
(Columbia, st. andrews rd)
[×°°× _____ TRIPLE D ______ ×°°×] [×°°× BUSTY MODEL!!! ×°°×] - 20
(Columbia, Cola Surrounding, Flor./Aug)
Thick or Petite???? You Can Have It Your Way!!! The Choice is yours** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** *** - 23
(Columbia, I-126 Greystone)
((( visiting from M*I*A*M*I )))) YOU will DO AS i SAy ,,, little B O Y - 25
(Midtown West, long island ,,floral park INor OUT)
*VISITING* ...... [Available NoW]...... DoNt MiSS OuT.......CuTe Playful CuRvY BuStY Blonde........ - 20
(Midtown West, Manhattan near Penn Station Incalls)
UPSCALE PlaYmAtE🙌👯Exotic🌺🔥Sweet 🍬🍭 Mixed Treat🍯Beauty is Me👑👄💦👅 - 22
(Columbia, Garners Ferry,Lexington ,WColumbia, Lake)
[ [[WARNiNG]] :☠: [ DROP DEAD ] [ GORGEOUS ] ExOtic BrUnEttE!!! - 20
(Midtown West, Upscale Loc. Midtown West Incalls)
Tiffany Thick Round Juicy Booty Call Her Now Petite Hottie $35 - 22
(Columbia, west columbia sc in&out;)
The Two Best In Town! Have Both Or Choose 1!!! Call Now 704-640-0350!!! - 28
(Columbia, St. Andrews)
------- T I N Y TiPhAnIe _(( SeXxY hAiTiAn ))_ (( ♥ MoDeL MaTeRiAL ♥ )); _ ◄= !! - 19
(columbia incalls / outcalls)
Upscale T H o t alert😍🍆😍call N O W( two notch rd) - 21
(Columbia, Two notch road -UPSCALE in your arms)
***Two notch Incalls and Outs #1 Mixed Exotic Pharish - 25
(All over columbia Incalls & Outcalls, Columbia)
(¯`;`¯)TREAT YOUR SELF:¦:- -:¦:- ALL DAY- :¦:- -:¦:- CALL NOW:¦:- -:¦:- - 29
(Columbia, Two Notch( In//call) ONLY)
Want a N@ughty Party Girl! Kissing Cuddling Plenty More Fun.... - 26
(Downtown, All over Manhattan Outcalls Only)
💕💖💗The AMAZING amanda's LAST day!! 💕💖💗quality service from a pretty white girl💟💕DONT MISS - 21
(Columbia, Fort jackson)
♥♡♥♡ The 1 and Only ! ¤¤♥♥"JEWEL"♥♥¤¤ GReeN EYED BLOnde!! NEW PICS ♥♡♥♡ - 27
~` TaKe A ~~ * PEEK *~` YOu WiLL LiKe WhAT YoU SEE (803)705-0050 - 30
(Columbia, (803)705-0050 AIRPORT exit113 off i-26)
Super Red's grip is something serious! WARNING girls are stealing my pics read my ad!! - 21
(Columbia, two notch rd columbia incall)
❕SuGaR💜 HaS😍iNcaLl💦 sPeCiaLs🌋 WiTh🍆 SuGaR💎 DoNt🚫 MiSs🏁 OuT💚8O3/999/8573📞 - 25
(BROAD RIVER & i20 --- INCALL & CAR, Columbia)
💋SuGaR💜⏳AvAiLaBle ⏰NoW ✔👌 👑SeXy*/SWeEt 🍦FuN*/ GiRl💦SmoKinG*/HoT🔥CaLl 📲 *SuGaR↩iM💎 WaiTinG💚 - 25
(Columbia, OUTCALLS☆ ONLY)
Spls🌹★🌹【Come 】🌹★ 🌹【PLAY 】 🌹★🌹【WiTh】🌹★🌹 【 Me 】 🌹★🌹 【SeXY】 🌹★🌹 【MuSt SeE】🌹★🌹 - 21
(Charleston, Summerville inncall TEXT ONLY PLS)
Still -:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y - :¦:- B E T T E R -:¦: - 24
(Columbia//Off Harbinson)
The 🍒B-E-S-T🍒 At your Request 👠😍 Ulimate🔥SlimThick Tatt'd B💣MBShell. AVAILABLE Now. - 21
(Columbia, ❤TWO NOTCH ROAD❤(Upscale area))